MEA Allocations Automate Routinely Shifting Costs

By - January 18, 2022

A cloud ERP system gives your business a fresh start with the best user interface. With Sage Intacct, clients rely on our ERP experts to recommend and customize key business processes with forward-thinking solutions for your shifting costs.

Clients can have multiple MEA price lists

Your business can create multiple allocations. Grouping the applicable contract lines into one or more bundles gives an automatic calculation. Derived from the contract’s MEA price list, the items’ fair value prices allocate the total bundle contract value. Alternatively, you can have more control with an override of the automatic calculation amounts. In either case, the system uses the allocated amounts in the revenue schedules with contract lines.

When you clear the last active MEA allocation, Sage Intacct resets the applicable revenue schedules to the amounts that existed prior to that specific allocation. If the applicable reporting periods are open, you can clear each subsequent MEA allocation to get the point of correction.

Audit trail for MEA executions

MEA allocation audit trails increase user confidence as reports promote accountability for managers and the employees of your company. MEA execution audits add value by identifying where your allocation systems can improve business operations.

MEA effective dates for execution

Contract effective dates can prove confusing for many business owners. In some circumstances, the allocation execution date of a contract occurs before the effective date. With Sage Intacct, you create each allocation with a specific effective date. This process protects balances posted prior to the effective date.

Multiple execution of MEA allocations

Prior to systematic allocations, there really was no easy way to allocate multi-entity price lists. With multiple execution of allocations, your system shows profit and loss by business unit, class, or customer. MEA allocations allow your organization to define how you are allocating each group. Whether your business needs to execute allocations on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, the multi-entity allocations will streamline your process.

Confidence in full cost recovery accompanies your contract billing, as automation improves your accuracy. Automation provides visibility into each segment of business pricing. Understanding which business units, products, and other critical dimensions contribute gives you a complete picture of revenue. Related to data entry, old processes using spreadsheets can rob your team of valuable time and accuracy. An MEA allocation solution offers your business an option for built in best practices.

To learn more about allocations and Sage Intacct, talk with the experts at RSM today.

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