How do you know all journal lines have been posted?

By - October 11, 2021

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you create journals for entries such as general journals, item journals, fixed asset journals, warehouse journals and so forth. In many cases, you will have multiple batches for each type of journal transaction. As you create entries and post the lines/batches, the batch remains for use going forward. It does not disappear as it does in some ERP applications.

You don’t always know that everyone has posted all of the entries that they have made. It can be difficult to tell from just looking at the batches if there are entries that need to be posted. You don’t want to have to click through each of the batches to determine if there are any entries contained in the batches.

Well, there is a fairly simple way of determining if you have any journal line entries that have not yet been posted.

In the Tell Me (search) feature in the upper right corner of your Role Center (screen/home page), search for Table Information and choose the related link. This will take a few moments to display, as it is looking at all table data in all of your companies. Just let the page populate with all the data. We will create a view for the next time you need to use the Table Information Page. The Table Information Page (8700) displays information about all the tables in Business Central. It contains information concerning the amount of data in each of the tables.

Once the Page is populated, you will see that it contains columns for the Company Name, Table Name, Table Number, Number of Records, and the Record Size. This information can also be useful for troubleshooting performance issues, as it displays the distribution of the size of the data across tables. But that is another topic for another day.

The Company Name is the name of the company that the table belongs to, so if you have multiple companies, you will see the table information for each of the related companies. The Table Name and Number are displayed. But what we are most interested in for this topic is the Number of Records. This is the total number of records stored in the table.

What we will do is filter the view to reflect just the information about journals. In my example, I am going to filter first on the Company Name to just display the information about my Cronus companies. You may want to do this in each of your companies if you have different users working in the companies. Next, we will add a filter for the journal lines. The word journal line should be at the end of each table name. But as you know, the names of the journal lines could be at the beginning, middle or end of the table name. So, we will use the filter value of *Journal Line*.  We will add one more filter on the No. of Records. We will add the value of not equal to zero or <>0. This will display any journal line that contains data.

I recommend that you save this view as Open Journal Lines or something similar. This way you can use the view each time you want to check for entries, whether that is daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. You could even use the bookmark option to have the Table Information link appear on your Role Center. Your Table Information Page may look similar to my example below.

Table Information Filter/View

Now that you know that there are records, you can use the hyper-link to drill into the Number of Records to review the journal templates that contain the records.

Table Information – No. of Records not zero

This will provide you with information as to where you will go to look for the open journal lines/entries. The list will display all of the Journal Template Names. The name will be displayed for the number of entries using the template. If you scroll to the far right, there is a column that displays the Journal Batch Name. This makes it easy to identify which batch contains the journal line entries.

You can then discuss these entries with the resources in your organization that are responsible for the various types of entries, such as the Accounts Payable Coordinator, Accounts Receivable Administrator, and so forth. They can then either post the entries or provide explanation as to why the entries do not need to be posted at the time you are reviewing the data.

General Journal Lines associated with Table Information

Your goal is to have the Table Information display either zero in the Number of Records or have an explanation as to why the number is not zero and there are open records.

You can use this periodically throughout the month to ensure that all lines have been posted. Along with reconciling your accounts, this may also be a good process that you follow for each month end. In this manner, you know if there are any open journal line records that need to be posted prior to closing your month.

This blog was originally posted on

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