Smart Count SuiteApp Enhancements

By - February 27, 2024

In the fast-paced world of business, efficient inventory is a crucial part of warehouse management’s best practices. With customers wanting more items in less time, warehouse management programs must leverage a good inventory system to reduce lead time. In the 2023.2 updates for NetSuite, Oracle released the Smart Count SuiteApp version 4.0.0, which includes a variety of new enhancements to the SuiteApp, helping streamline the inventory counting process. These enhancements will help benefit any warehouse management program by creating a straightforward and reliable counting process to streamline, centralize, and validate inventory counts. This blog post will explore the key features and updates that make the Smart Count SuiteApp updates a game-changer for businesses and their inventory management.

What are the Smart Count SuiteApp Enhancements, and Why Does it Matter?

The Smart Count SuiteApp allows users to conduct real-time inventory counts during business hours without stopping operations. During the counting process, the SuiteApp captures and records current on-hand inventory and quantities for a specific item and notifies the counter if the count is off, as well as specific actions to remedy the issue. Additionally, you have the option to establish defaults to manage on-hand changes encountered during the count. The SuiteApp also has permissions to create a blind count that helps create a more accurate picture of current inventory levels. This helps the user streamline the inventory count process while providing an accurate count level for the inventory team.

Some new features in the 4.0.0 release of the Smart Count SuiteApp are the new GS1 Barcode integration, tailored count configurations, and the inclusion of zero quantity bins. These new features will allow users to do inventory counts faster and more accurately. The GS1 Barcode integration is the standout feature of the new release and allows for seamless integration between the barcodes and the SuiteApp. The tailored count configuration will allow users to filter and display items within a task list and make more personalized criteria and count lists for the user. Lastly, including zero-quantity bins is a game-changing feature that will allow users to include bins with a quantity of zero in the count checklist, improving the accuracy of the inventory count for users.

How to use the Smart Count SuiteApp Enhancements

Here are the new items that have been updated in the newest release and what each thing can do to help streamline the inventory count process:

1. GS1 Barcode Integration: One of the standout features of Smart Count 4.0.0 is its seamless integration with GS1 barcodes. This functionality extends to inventory items, lot-numbered items, and serialized items, exclusively catering to WMS users. The inclusion of GS1 barcode scanning ensures accuracy and expedites the counting process, a vital asset in warehouse management today.

2. Tailored Count Configurations: Smart Count now gives you the power to customize count configurations. Introducing the Count Configuration field in the mobile app allows users to filter and display items on the task list based on specific criteria. This feature enhances flexibility, providing a more personalized counting experience.

3. Streamlined Review Process: Keeping track of counted items is now more transparent with the Counted Items page on the Smart Count mobile app. This page offers a comprehensive view of all items successfully counted, facilitating a quick review and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

4. Advanced Filtering Options: Smart Count 4.0.0 introduces robust filtering capabilities to streamline the count review process. Users can filter item count records based on inventory classification, vendor, and class. Adding Class, Inventory Classification and Vendor filters in the Primary Filters section of the Smart Count Review page enhances precision in review counts.

5. Inclusion of Zero Quantity Bins: Never overlook bins with zero quantities again. The Count Bins with Zero Quantity box, now part of the count configuration record, ensures that bins with zero quantities are included in the task list. This feature is a game-changer, preventing oversights in the counting process.

6. Next Inventory Count Date for Spot Counts: Smart Count Preferences now include the Set Next Inventory Count Date for Spot Count preference. This enhancement allows users to update the next inventory count date specifically for spot counts, providing more control over inventory management schedules.

7. Role-Based Access to Smart Count Mobile App: Access to the Smart Count mobile app is now seamlessly integrated into the Smart Count Counter and Smart Count Inventory Manager roles. This ensures that the right personnel can efficiently leverage the mobile app for a more dynamic and responsive counting process.

8. Approval Flexibility: Smart Count 4.0.0 introduces flexibility in approving item count records. Even if fields such as Class, Department, and Location are marked as required for an inventory adjustment transaction, users can still approve item count records without hindrance.

9. Granular Counting Options: Counting different items from the same bin has never been more flexible. Smart Count 4.0.0 offers two distinct options – Complete All and Complete Selected. Users can choose to complete counts for all items in a bin or selectively for specific items, providing a tailored counting experience.

10. Mass Update Empowerment: Efficiency is key, and Smart Count understands this. The Mass Update feature now empowers users to update the inventory count interval and next inventory count date across multiple items. This can be done by selecting specific inventory locations, ensuring a targeted and streamlined update process.

Why You Should Integrate the Smart Count SuiteApp to your WMS

In conclusion, Smart Count 4.0.0 is a testament to NetSuite’s commitment to continuously improving inventory management. These enhancements elevate the user experience and address the evolving needs of businesses striving to create a streamlined inventory management program. Help upgrade your inventory management system experience with Smart Count 4.0.0!

For more information and a detailed guide on Smart Count 4.0.0 and its features, refer to the help topic “Smart Count” or explore the Release notes for 2023.2.0.

Emma Hudson, an associate at RSM's NetSuite Practice, has led a variety of Industrials sector clients to optimize their NetSuite ERP systems for sustained growth, involving full life cycle implementations, assessments, and optimizations. Prior to joining RSM, she gained experience in logistics and workflow management within the oil and gas industry, as well as managing the pick, pack, ship process in a fulfillment center.

Contact our team to learn more!

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