Using OneDrive within your organization

By - January 28, 2015

Chief Information Officers (CIOs) need to find ways to introduce “easy-to-use” tools that are familiar to them in a manner that is secure, is complaint with internal governance controls and is also manageable.

With OneDrive for Business you get the ease of use, anywhere access, and simple file sharing that all consumers expect and demand. With SharePoint 2013, getting files into OneDrive for Business, sharing files internally or externally, and accessing files from anywhere has never been easier. OneDrive for Business has native integration with your Microsoft Office client, which makes this a winner for end user simplicity. Plus, the capabilities span across multiple devices and platforms (e.g. Windows, Windows Phone, Android and iOS devices).

OneDrive for Business addresses compliance, security, and management complexity concerns by providing enterprise-ready file sharing and synchronization functionality that is natively integrated with Microsoft Office and Office 365.

  • Full-text search
  • Native Office integration
  • Document approval
  • Coauthoring
  • Integrated social – like and follow
  • Anywhere access
  • Document rating
  • Simple Sharing
  • Accessibility mode
  • Fine-grained user-access control


  • Control sharing (internal/external)
  • Defense in depth – multi-layered security
  • Event auditing
  • e-Discoverability
  • Microsoft Active Directory Integration
  • Metadata, tagging, and categorization
  • Control offline access (disable synchronization)
  • Fine-grained user-access control
  • Information governance/retention policies
  • Workflows

Our clients have had tremendous success implementing OneDrive for business to provide users with offline access and collaboration features with their Office 365 systems.

If you are currently using the Outlook Web App for mail as well, you can also email links to files in your OneDrive folders and automatically provide permission control for viewing or editing.
The ability to share files without having to attach files in an email
solves a number of business concerns like versioning (you will always be linked to the most recent version) and much lower inbox growth due to file attachments bogging down your Sent Items and inbox.

To set up the OneDrive client application on your computer, you will need to log onto your Office 365 instance in a web browser and Click the OneDrive link in your SharePoint or Office365 navigation bar.

Read the System Requirements to assure that you’re users have the best experience possible.

OneDrive System Requirements

Now…Go ahead and Press SYNC.

2nd image JM


You will see a series of popup messages like this…

3rd image JM




You will then be prompted to press the Sync Now button to begin synching content from the cloud to your computer.

Depending on how much content you have in your Documents library, it can take a few minutes to actually SYNC all of it.  If your online library is empty it should only take a minute or two.
Finally… you see a nice new Windows Explorer Favorites icon for your One Drive for Business location with your files in it. But look closer, the file icons are familiar, but also have a green arrow to show that these files are synched with the cloud, or a red alert to show the files are not yet synched.





You are now ready to work offline.

When you update content in these folders, they will auto sync to the cloud if you are connected to the internet.
This Synch process is controlled by a service that is installed on your local computer. It’s status will display in the Taskbar.

To find out more about this or other ways that McGladrey can assist you with your SharePoint needs, contact McGladrey’s technology consulting professionals at 800.274.3978 or email us.

Contact our team to learn more!

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