5 Tips on How to Succeed with Your ERP Implementation

By - March 16, 2019

Implementing a sophisticated ERP system for the first time is a lot of work. It can also be complex for firms that are implementing many components and have a lot of entrenched processes they are trying to overhaul.

Here are 5 helpful tips, based on years of experience from our ERP professionals on how to succeed with your ERP implementation:

Obtain Support from Leadership
It is critical that the project has executive support and commitment. Without this, the accounting or IT department (usually the “owner” of the implementation process) will be fighting an uphill battle in getting firm-wide buy-in and adoption. When everyone in the firm recognizes that the executives are stakeholders in the outcome of the system implementation, they are much more likely to embrace the new system and comply with new policies and procedures.

Assemble a Strong Group of Subject Matter Experts
It is important to assemble a group of key stakeholders that will take ownership of the system implementation. This committee will determine the goals, manage the timeline for the project, and keep everyone accountable to getting their weekly “assignments” done on time. The committee should have at least one principal and a representative from each of the major divisions of the company: accounting, HR, project management, and marketing.

Change Management Processes
Changing a system can be stressful for some of your staff. Start early by explaining the reasons for the change and the goals the company has set for improving financial results is critical to success. You will see a much better attitude and approach by everyone if they fully understand why the firm is upgrading technology.

An ERP implementation will bring a change in your current processes. If you continue to use the same old processes that you have always used, you will get the same results. Take the time to understand how your current processes work and then try to document them. We can help you with suggestions to make the system more powerful and automate as many of new processes as possible if we have a good understanding of your current process.

Your current data is probably residing in multiple systems and platforms. Start reviewing these different platforms and initiating the data cleansing process. This will reduce significant time during implementation.

Visit our website for more helpful ideas and insights to support your ERP implementation.

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