The Benefit of eLearning

By - July 19, 2019

  The Benefits of eLearning

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” – Henry Ford

 So, how do we ensure employees are properly trained?  One way is through eLearning, and here are a few reasons why:

Lower employee turnover
    • ELearning increases retention rates by 25-60% once employees have more control over their learning process, as well as the opportunity to revisit the training as needed.
Convenient and flexible access
      • LinkedIn surveyed about 4,000 professionals and found out that getting employees to make time for learning is the number one challenge. This means employers need to provide easy access to training as well as carving out the time to take training.  It can be as simple as 30 minutes a week.
      • One of the greatest benefits of eLearning is that it is available 24/7 for an increasingly global and remote workforce. Employees can access the training when they have the time and capability to do so, no matter where they are.
Less stress
    • Learning to use new software can be a major ordeal for some people. Making it as easy and stress-free as possible for them improves motivation, reduces frustration and leads to better training outcomes, and ultimately improved employee efficiencies and satisfaction.
Saves money
    • Saves on travel expenses and time out of the office.
    • ELearning courses are updated without much expense or time,and a single elearning program reaches far more learners than a classroom workshop.  This means the longer we use the course, the more cost-effective it becomes.
Ensures training consistency
    • Instructors have different styles of how they present the information. ELearning provides consistent, standardized, reliable training – every time, regardless of the location.
Aligned to today
    • Today, people spend the majority of their time on their phones, computers or other technology. Placing training on a platform that an employee is already using increases the training uptake.
Reduces environmental impact
    • Producing and providing distance-learning courses consumes an average of 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional face-to-face courses.
Learn More

For the RSM Tech Academy team, our goal is to promote individual and organizational effectiveness by developing an array of training courses designed to increase productivity.

To help us achieve this goal, we are in the process of updating the content, adding more visuals, and converting self-paced courses to meet CPE eligibility requirements.  Going forward, this will allow you to take the training at your convenience and more importantly ensure you have obtained the necessary CPE credits to fulfill your job.   We plan to have this completed in the coming months.

Look for more updates from the RSM Tech Academy as to when you can obtain your CPE credits online. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in the RSM Tech Academy, please send them to us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact our team to learn more!

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