By - October 7, 2022


With the newly created Bottle Deposit Fee bundle, Food and Beverage companies can easily meet new state regulations to capture fees on qualifying items. This bundle can be easily incorporated into your current NetSuite instance without a great deal of manual work and minimal time from the client side when it comes to adding in new states for requirements.  


As bottle deposit fees have now become a regulation for specific states, many Food and Beverage companies will need to adjust their current order to cash process to correctly capture these fees. This custom bundle provides a seamless and automated way to track and collect bottle deposit fees on orders for the required states and customers. The bundle allows customization of what items, customers, and locations will require collection and determination of price fee levels for different item sizes. Without the Bottle Deposit Fee bundle, meeting the bottle deposit fee regulation will be a manual and timely process 


Initial Setup – Items and Customers 

Custom fields will be added to both item and customer records to distinguish if a bottle deposit fee is required. Four custom fields will be added to Inventory and Non-Inventory type item records to flag the item as an inclusion for the bottle deposit fee collection, captures the volume type of the bottles, note the number of bottles, and list the bottle fee state code. A custom field will be added to the customer record to flag them as qualifying customers of bottle deposit fees.   

New Bottle Deposit Fee items will need to be set up for each state that requires collection. This will be an Other Charge item type. Two custom fields will be added to label the Other Charge item type record to define the State and to define the item as a bottle deposit fee item. This record lists the price of the bottle deposit fee. Each state will need their own B


At time of sales order creation and at edit, the script will check that all the following conditions are met:  

  • customer record Bottle Deposit Fee field is checked 
  • sales order line item, item record is not flagged to exclude from bottle deposit fee collection 
  • sales order shipping address state is a bottle deposit fee item record state 
  • sales order line item, item record size is a bottle deposit fee item record size 

Upon meeting all the criterion, a new line item on the sales order for the specific bottle deposit fee state, bottle size, and price combination will be added. A new bottle deposit fee line item will be added for each qualifying line item. The following fields will be set accordingly: 

  • item to item selected that matches State-Bottle Size 
  • description to original line item and description 
  • quantity to original line item quantity 
  • price to bottle deposit fee item record price 
  • amount (or extended price) to be calculated as quantity multiplied by price multiplied by bottle count 

At time of invoicing, a script will run to determine what was shipped, make any necessary adjustments, and then produce the final bottle deposit fee amount. 


The Bottle Deposit Fee bundle is available to any of our food and beverage clients who need to follow state regulations to capture bottle deposit fees. This bundle will help add value and efficiency to current processes with minimal disruption for installation and time commitment from the client side.  It will help to automate the addition of bottle deposit fees, accurately track the pricing, and provide line-level information on sales orders to customers.  

Author: Siena Gibbs

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