Commerce ready ERP system with NetSuite

By - August 4, 2015

In today’s online and connected world, all businesses are affected by digital commerce and if you aren’t thinking about its impact on your business, you can bet your competitor is.

  1. For retail, providing an omnichannel experience focused around the customer is a matter of survival.
  2. In manufacturing, commerce is becoming increasingly important as more manufacturers look to have a direct connection with their customers and leverage all available channels to grow their business.
  3. For distributors, the question of commerce is not if but when as their trading partners increasingly demand an consumer-grade digital experience.
  4. In software, the transformation to service-based delivery models is driving digital commerce interactions by automating activities such as billing, adding licenses/users and renewing subscriptions
  5. Within services companies, commerce needs to adapt to handle multi-element transactions which include both products and services. For some services firms such as publishing and media companies, adopting a new approach to digital commerce to capitalize on the tremendous opportunity the online world presents is not a nice-to-have but a must-have

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There are two parts to commerce. Delivering the front end experience to the customer or partner, and your internal operations that stand behind that commerce system.

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It seems inherently obvious that you would want to have a single system of record for these two parts, because in the eyes of the customer, they form a single end-to-end buyer experience. However, traditionally these two halves have existed in separate ecommerce and ERP or operational systems, resulting in a less than ideal experience for the customer and numerous inefficiencies across internal business operations.

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With 20,000+ organizations relying on NetSuite everyday, you can rest assured that we can handle the scale of your business.

  1. 130M unique user logins in the last month generate about 3,000 applications requests per second for processing
  2. Operational functions scale across all functions from email marketing, to commerce to shipping to sales

To learn more about selecting the right ERP solution for your organization, contact RSM at or by phone at 855.437.7202.

By: Brent Knowles – National NetSuite Solution Provider


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