Considerations for successfully implementing NetSuite

By - December 15, 2015

Often the management team sponsors overlook critical aspects of implementing a “new breed” enterprise management system such as NetSuite. In the past, systems only supported a “lift and shift” migration path. While the systems would combine the functionality of multiple systems and improve some functionality and reporting, the system was configured to do the same work as before, gaining little or no efficiency from the change.

A truly successful NetSuite enterprise management system implementation is one that aligns with the current and future roadmap of the enterprise, improves process efficiency both internally and externally, provides essential decision data and metrics on a real-time basis, establishes new-vision business processes, and incorporates change management to align the enterprise with the strategic roadmap.

Some key elements to incorporate in the project planning for an enterprise level system:

  1. New Generation Processes
    1. Throw out “how we have always done it” and think about how you could do it in a perfect world. Encourage suggestions from all levels of the enterprise.
    2. Run sessions to whiteboard modern business process management and remove the roadblocks to getting there. Use outside experts when possible.
  2. Management Input Into Configuration Decisions
    1. Management must incorporate the strategic enterprise roadmap into the implementation decisions.
    2. Key decisions on configuration should be configured to align with the roadmap.
    3. Management review of the progress and significant decision should be frequent and continuous.
  3. Critical Users Time Commitment
    1. Key stakeholders must have specified time allocated to the project and must be held accountable to that commitment.
    2. Key decisions must go through the management team, not just one stakeholder.
  4. Change Management
    1. Communicate from key stakeholders that everyone is committed to the change and the end result will be beneficial to the enterprise.
    2. Review and document the tasks, results and reporting requirements of all current processes.
    3. Review how the new processes will change the roles and responsibilities.
    4. Review and communicate regularly what the impacts will be to all employees.
    5. Buy-in is essential. The risk of losing resources and a poor work environment is great.
    6. Communicate that the initial rollout will likely have issues and problems that will be overcome.
  5. Commitment to Thorough Testing
    1. A detailed and thorough testing plan is essential. Modifications will be required particularly around roles, so complete all testing as early as possible
    2. All users and particularly key users must complete all of their daily tasks and responsibilities in NetSuite.
    3. Confirm that all essential reporting, metrics and data feed requirements can be produced in NetSuite.

If you would like to learn more about this topic or others related to NetSuite please contact RSM at or by phone at 855.437.7202.

By: Robert Cratch – National NetSuite Solution Provider

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