Leveraging KPI Scorecards in NetSuite

By - August 26, 2014

Many people use the terms “dashboard” and “scorecard” interchangeably, but there is a significant difference between them.  A scorecard is a type of report that displays a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) together with performance targets for each KPI.  A dashboard, on the other hand, is a container for a related group of scorecard and report views that are organized together.  In other words, a dashboard contains a collection of other items such as scorecards, reports, and filters.  The NetSuite dashboard on the home page contains a KPI Scorecard which can be configured based on your role’s needs.  Financial Ratios is the standard KPI Scorecard that is readily available to be added to the home dashboard:

NetSuite_KPI Scorecard

When you hover over the values, NetSuite will display the calculation formula used, with the actual values.  You can further drill into each value to see the underlying transactions:

NetSuite_KPI Scorecard_Hover

The standard Financial Ratios KPI Scorecard can be customized:

NetSuite_KPI Scorecard_Customize

There are several ways to customize the KPIs:

  • Add/Modify KPIs and define their comparisons, add formulas, and define formula expressions.
  • Define custom KPIs using results from saved searches.
  • Define multiple date ranges.
  • Highlight to make results more visible in the KPI Scorecard portlet.
  • Define who has access (which users can put it in their KPI Scorecard portlet).


By checking the “Show Trend Graph Icon” and “Show Date Row” checkboxes in Set Up, you will be able to see trend graphs and date ranges within the portlet.

If you would like more insight into the NetSuite cloud ERP solution and information on how RSM may be able to assist,  please contact us at erp@mcgladrey.com or by phone at 855.437.7202.

By: Kei Mou – California NetSuite Solution Provider

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