Sage Field Operations – Setting a New Standard

By - August 17, 2022

The future of field service is digital. For plumbers, construction companies, industrial equipment installers, and countless other businesses that send people into the field, it was once possible to run on clipboards and ink pens alone. And even once technology entered the equation, spreadsheets were often the full extent of it. But that’s not enough anymore. 

As digital technology comes to dominate everything, customer expectations change, and new competitors enter the industry, it’s time for everyone to elevate what they do. That means embracing technology like never before. Field service management (FSM) software gives providers a platform through which they can synthesize and streamline everything they do, from scheduling to inventory management to work order tracking. Operating with FSM software instead of disconnected, paper-based, manually-driven processes is a major asset to providers – and now it’s more or less mandatory.

That puts a lot of pressure on finding the correct solution. While the right choice can be transformative, the wrong choice can be equally disruptive. 

Introducing Sage Field Operations

Sage Intacct, a leading financial management platform, has recently designed a module specifically for field service providers called Sage Field Operations. 

It has all the tools a provider needs for service delivery. A sophisticated yet simple scheduling tool ensures the right technicians and equipment reach the right job site on schedule. The mobile app allows technicians to use phones, tablets, or laptops to access important information in the field while they record notes, numbers, pictures, and signatures that go directly into the system. Sage Field Operations also includes simple time tracking tools that makes life easier on techs and managers alike. And with all the data relevant to field service in one location, providers have a complete picture of their activities, for every client and every job, that they can report on to analyze performance, track trends, and forecast future results.

Sage Field Operations is a compelling option for FSM software on its own. What really distinguishes it, however, is the fact that it runs inside the Sage Intacct ecosystem. More than just an integration, it uses the same technical infrastructure as Sage Intacct, creating a seamless link between the technology for service delivery and the technology for accounting and business management. 

Some other FSM solutions come with accounting or business management tools, but not of the same caliber as Sage Intacct. Other solutions integrate with popular accounting suites through an API, but being connected by a small pipeline is not the same as working in perfect sync. Sage Field Operations is the FSM software that’s fully-backed by world-class business tools, becoming an all-in-one solution for everything field service providers want (and need) to improve upon. It sets a new standard – by a wide margin.

Should You Consider Sage Field Operations? 

Impressive as Sage Field Operations may be, any solution requires a full vetting. Here are some questions to consider to see if this is the best choice:

  • Do techs need real-time data? Keeping customers happy and jobs running efficiently depends on keeping techs informed. The integration of back- and front-office functions means Sage Field Operations can supply real-time data about anything to techs or managers in the field. 
  • Are your dispatchers overwhelmed? Adding more people to the dispatch team won’t necessarily fix the problem. Sage Field Operations automates more of dispatching for speed, scale, and precision while giving dispatch staff a top-down perspective to manage things closely. 
  • Is planning a bottleneck? – Planning who and what to send where can consume a lot of time and energy yet still yield underwhelming results. Sage Field Operations gives managers the visibility and flexibility necessary for planning, along with data from all aspects of the business to help identify the best choices. 
  • Has payroll become a problem? Paper timesheets, which can be lost, delayed, or scribbled on, will always cause problems. Sage Field Operations digitizes the time collection process and integrates it into the normal accounting function for error-free, almost effort-free payroll processing. 

Intrigued by what Sage Field Operations can do? Contact RSM for a demo.

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