Take Advantage of Sage Intacct Efficiencies in a Work-From-Home World

By - March 10, 2022

The work-from-home world is upon us. Research suggests more than 36 million Americans will work remotely by 2025, double the pre-pandemic level, and millions more will work in hybrid mode, coming into the office part time and working remotely the rest. The future of work isn’t about sitting behind a dedicated desk; it’s about working effectively from anywhere. 

What does that mean for the accounting department? It means upgrading to a system that doesn’t just facilitate remote work – it makes it the equal (or better) of working from the office. As too many companies learned the hard way, relying on email and a simple accounting system to manage money leads to inefficiencies at best and errors (sometimes major ones) at worst. Remote accounting doesn’t have to be harder or less effective – but the right technology must be in place. 

As both a leading financial management platform and a cloud-native solution, Sage Intacct was designed for the work-from-home world. Accountants and financial decision-makers have all the data and tools they need at their disposal from any location with an internet connection. More than just accessibility, though, Sage Intacct offers tools to help remote accounting teams stay in perfect sync. Here’s a small sampling:

  • Internal Attachment Folders – Sage Intacct let you turn almost anything into an attachment (you can even take a picture with your phone if necessary) and exchange it with other users, attach it to a journal entry, or store it within a dedicated attachment folder. That eliminates the need for paper documents. And instead of using email to exchange files or other tools to synchronize document storage, all that happens inside Sage Intacct so that documents seamlessly change hands between an accounting team working from many places at once. 
  • Intacct Collaborate – With remote work you lose the ability to ask a colleague a quick question or put a sticky note on a document. Sage Intacct recreates that by letting you tag another user on a record or document and include a note, perhaps pointing out an error or requesting clarification. Teams can use this feature to collaborate inside of accounting records to quickly answer questions and resolve issues. 
  • Real-Time Reporting – With the powerful yet intuitive reporting capabilities of Sage Intacct, you can run ad-hoc reporting requests and get the results back in real-time, meaning instantly. There’s no waiting until the end of the day (or longer) to get a report, and no need to submit a reporting request to another person or department. Real-time reporting lets anyone get the financial insight and analysis they need on-demand so they are never without the best information available. 
  • Mobile Workflow Approvals – A mobile app offered by Sage Intacct allows you to give immediate approval of something like an expense report without having to log into the system first. It’s a convenient way to keep workflows moving forward even when someone is traveling or otherwise away from their computer. 
  • Device-Agnostic Access – You can access Sage Intacct from any computer and almost any device with an internet browser. And once inside, the experience looks identical to using Sage Intacct inside the office. Being device-agnostic removes the technical barriers to working from home and gives accountants amazing freedom to work wherever and however they choose. 

This list is far from complete. And in addition to unlocking the potential of remote work, Sage Intacct takes accounting and finance to the next level in terms of efficiency, productivity, insight, and effectiveness. It’s an upgrade in every way, plus a way to adapt in stride to the work-from-home world. 

Intrigued by what Sage Intacct can do? Contact RSM to learn more. 

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