The Many Sides of Sage Intacct Reporting

By - March 30, 2022

The rich reporting features in Sage Intacct distinguish themselves in a number of ways. For one, they are intuitive enough, both on a financial and technical level, to enable self-service reporting by whoever needs it. 

Those reporting features are also powerful, pulling together vast amounts of financial and operations data, performing complicated analytics across multiple vectors, and providing drill-down capabilities so that anyone can explore the numbers behind the metrics. 

Compared to other mature financial management solutions on the market, the way that Sage Intacct handles reporting is simple, smart, and streamlined. But where Sage Intacct really stands out is through the variety of reports it offers and the flexibility it enables when creating custom reports. 

Whatever information someone wants and however they want to see it, Sage Intacct has a way to build a report around it – probably with minimal effort involved. Examples include:

  • Standard Reports – Anything in the subledger can be reported on using this feature. Every Sage Intacct module comes with a collection of common report templates – trial balances, general ledger reports, AR/AP aging etc – that work perfectly straight out of the box and eliminate the need to build important reports from scratch. 
  • Financial Reports – Accountants can tag transactions in the chart of accounts with Dimensions like location, customer, item, employee, or vendor (plus many more), then build reports around whatever Dimensions or account groups they wish. They can also schedule reports to run automatically and save the data in a variety of locations and file formats to streamline how accountants distribute reports to management. 
  • Custom Reports – No two companies report on exactly the same things, which is why pre-made reporting templates are not enough. Sage Intacct makes it simple to create custom reports by just selecting a data source and choosing the contents to focus on, whether building a positive pay file, compiling a permission report, or assembling an audit trail. 
  • Interactive Reports – Reports are no longer static documents thanks to the interactive report writer available in certain Sage Intacct modules. Instead of just reading reports, users can drill, filter, sort, and expand the documents to follow any line of analysis wherever it leads. Creating reports is also interactive thanks to features that let users drag and drop columns and fields into the report layout while taking advantage of live previewing, grouping, subtotaling, advanced formatting, and column calculation. The combination of intuitive yet intelligent tools eliminates the need to ever work outside Sage Intacct. 
  • Visual Reports – Expressing reporting data as visualizations like charts and graphs makes it faster and easier to understand while highlighting the most important or unexpected takeaways. Sage Intacct has an available visual report writer that gives the user myriad tools for visualizing information and organizing those visualizations into reports, presentations, or dashboards. Telling a financial narrative has never been easier once reports can express information in the most informative and illustrative ways possible. 

This rundown barely scratches the surface of what Sage Intacct reporting can do. Rather than dive into the nuts and bolts, however, we want to emphasize what makes reporting feel different in this piece of accounting software compared to others. 

With Sage Intacct, building the reports people need and want has never required less time, energy, or technical expertise. It’s so simple and streamlined, in fact, that the reporting process becomes less about creating the document itself and more about capitalizing on the insights within. In that way, reporting isn’t just faster or easier – it’s more valuable as a tool for decision making, strategy formation, pivot planning and anything else where making the right moves matters. 

See for yourself. Contact RSM about a demo of what Sage Intacct reporting can do.

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