Volunteering with Fundraising and Engagement

By - April 12, 2022

A common challenge associations face is not having one common source of truth for all their incoming data. For instance, an association may have one system to keep track of their volunteers, a second system to keep track of how much fundraising they have completed, and a third system to show many grants they have given. Keeping track of all this information in three separate systems can be extremely time consuming and risky. The truth is that it does not have to be.

An association management system (AMS) is a core tool an association can use to run their business. From a staff perspective, staff can manage members, events, reporting, communication, and engagement. For members, they can manage their own contact information, collaborate with others, and register for events, trainings, or subscriptions. Association data is in one place for both staff and members making it easy to manage, track, and report on key performance indicators.

As a Microsoft partner with a focus on AMS implementation, RSM offers Microsoft’s Cloud for Nonprofits as one of many AMS solutions.  This solution is a package of tools that can help associations manage their volunteers, fundraising opportunities, and member engagement. The solution includes a Volunteer Management and Fundraising & Engagement applications. RSM has also created a Grants application.

Microsoft’s Volunteer Management tool allows volunteer managers to easily match, schedule, and track their volunteers as well as get insights into their volunteer efforts. Within the application, volunteer records can be matched to volunteer jobs based on skills, availability, and desire; however, volunteer managers still have the flexibility to build their own volunteer management process as they see fit.

Fundraising and Engagement is a relationship management platform to help users modernize constituent engagement so they can increase their mission’s impact. Similar to Dynamics 365 Sales, associations can customize how they develop fundraising opportunities and turn them into gifts. Associations can also manage their donations, campaigns, and events more efficiently and cost effective.

RSM has created a Dynamics 365 solution called Grants, in addition to Microsoft’s Volunteer Management and Fundraising and Engagement solutions. RSM’s Grant solution has been customized to fit the needs of grant making institutions. Within the solution, applicants represent organizations interested in giving a grant. Grants represent the dollar value the applicant is willing to give, and awards represent where the grant will go.  Essentially, the grant tool allows users to see how much money is at stake and where the money will go once awarded.

To be eligible for Microsoft’s Cloud for Nonprofit, organizations must be recognized as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). If eligible, an organization with Microsoft’s Cloud for Nonprofit can have all association solutions packaged into one. This will provide staff, members, and volunteers one source of truth and more time to work on the association’s mission.  Visit the link below for more information on RSM’s nonprofit offerings or to set up a demo to see not only how these platforms work, but how they can work for you.

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