Given that the Dynamics GP web client came out in 2013, we’re seeing that some of the certificates used on the web client are starting to expire, maybe even yours. So what do you do now?
Obtain a new GP Web Client certificate
Your first step will be to obtain a new certificate for the GP web client. I would always recommend against a self-signed certificate, as they tend to expire sooner, and will cause more work in the long term. To alleviate this, you will want to obtain a new certificate from your favorite certificate provider. The other important thing to keep in mind is that the friendly name on the certificate will need to be the same as the URL with which you want users to access the web client.
Install your certificate
Once you have successfully obtained your SSL certificate from your favorite provider, you will need to take that certificate and install it into IIS on your web client server. This can be done within IIS. From the root of the IIS manager, click on “Server Certificates”. On this window, there is an option on the left hand side to “Import”. Select the file for the certificate you want to import, enter the password, and import it into IIS.
Bind the certificate to your site
After importing, navigate to the site used for your GP Web Client in IIS. Attach the certificate to your website for the web client. Click on “Bindings”, and then your https type binding. This is where you will select the certificate that is attached to the https binding. Click edit on the binding, and then from the new window, we only want to change the SSL Certificate. Select the new certificate you just imported in the process above. I would recommend restarting IIS after this process just to make sure the changes are picked up correctly.
Because a part of the GP Web Client install process specifies the specific certificate used on the website, we now need to go through and tell the web client about this new certificate. That can be done through a repair on the GP web components in Add/Remove Programs.
You will need the passwords for your web client services accounts during this process. From here, the repair process if fairly simple. The only change you will be making is an adjustment of the certificate that is applied to the web client. When you see these screens, it’s important to select the new certificate you just bound to your website, and also to specify the friendly name that you want users to use as the URL in the host name box:
Once the repair is complete, restart your web client services (Session Central and Session Service) and the process will be complete!
To learn more about how you can take advantage of this and other Dynamics GP features, visit RSM’s Microsoft Dynamics GP resource. To make sure you stay up to date with the Microsoft Dynamics Community, subscribe to our Microsoft Dynamics Community Newsletter.
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By: Paul Newsom