Get Patching! CVE-2018-0886 CredSSP Flaw in RDP Affects All Versions of Windows

By - August 3, 2018

Microsoft released an update in March which may or may not impact your ability to use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) depending on whether or not your organization pushed the update to your respective machine or server(s). While attempting to establish an RDP session onto servers/workstations running Win2012r2, Win10, or later operating system(s), you may receive the following red box error:

To resolve immediately, run the following command on the affected machine to regain remote access:

REG  ADD HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemCredSSPParameters /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2

You should not receive this error once all servers have received latest Windows Patch updates.

For further details surrounding specific updates/patches or workarounds using Group Policy and Registry edits, please refer to Microsoft’s insight.

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By: Ben Cole and Brad Meek

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