Preparing for the transition off Dynamics GP

By - June 13, 2023

Is your organization ready to move off Dynamics GP? This short list is meant to assist you in building out your timeline to Go-Live.

  1. Consideration 1 –  Requirements.  Create a clear list of the functionality you’ll need from your new ERP.  This is the time to do a full analysis of needs for your company.  What you have today may not be what you need tomorrow.   Review your business as a whole not just the Accounting function.  Does the software you’re using today fulfill all your business needs?  Where and what are your pain points?  What could be done better or more efficiently?  Take time to interview your current users and document their processes and document their pain points.  Gain an understanding  where manual processes could be replaced by technology.  Build out a list of requirements and present it to key business personnel to confirm your requirements before you begin your software search.
  2. Consideration 2 –  Budget.  Make sure that the cost of your software and implementation is included in your Company budget, approved by the board, etc.  In addition, make sure the budget is realistic.  Analyze the cost of added functionality.
  3. Consideration 3 – Understand the impact to your business and your staff.  (ie: avoid going live with a new software during your busy season)
  4. Consideration 4 – Timeline.  Gathering a complete list of requirements can take 4-6 weeks.  It can take longer if your requirements include HR, Manufacturing, Distribution, etc.  Selecting your next software can take 4-6 weeks as well.  And finally a software implementation 4-6 months and with any additional requirements or complexities like those I’ve previously mentioned (HR, Manufacturing and Distribution) it could easily take 8-12 months.
  5. Finally, using all 4 considerations build out your company’s timeline.
  6. Consideration 5 – Do you have the appropriate staff levels, software expertise and time to complete Consideration 1 thru 4? Typically the answer is No.

If you’re concerned about your internal teams ability to allot time to Considerations 1-5, RSM can help.  Talk to your Client Account Manager.  Our Management Consulting team can assist your team with requirements gathering, engaging software vendors, analyzing proposals from the Vendors, fit/gap analysis of the solutions and cost analysis.  This offering (called a System Selection) reduces the time spent by your team and covers Consideration 1 thru 5.  The result of the System Selection is that your team selects the software that fits your needs and moves forward with the  Implementation.  Note: there is a fee involved.  Learn more about our System Selection services here.

If you’re concerned about Project managing the Implementation, RSM can also provide Project management services during the implementation.  Note:  there is a fee involved. Learn more about RSM’s Project Management services here.

You may already know or have a good idea of the software that you want to deploy.  A good place to start this discussion is with your Client Account Manager.  If RSM is a Reseller of the software, we can provide demonstrations to validate the fit,  provide you with software pricing and assist with the implementation.  While there isn’t a fee involved in the demonstration, there would be Software Costs and Implementation fees should you chose to move forward.  Learn more with the Cloud ERP Buyers Guide

In conclusion, if you’re planning on transitioning away from Dynamics GP in 1 to 2 years, your time to start the process is now.  To keep to your schedule, you should start addressing each consideration immediately or within the next few months (depending on your software complexity).  Finally, your RSM Client Account Manager is always available to steer you in the right direction.

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