What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 for Distributors

By - June 12, 2013

Distributors and direct sales organizations will benefit from a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Sales Order Processing.  Suggested Items reminds users of complementary products and upsell opportunities as new sales orders are entered.

A new Dynamics GP window pops open during entry of product line items, showing related items and add-on options. For example, companies that sell tablet computes may want to up sell a protective case, or memory cards. The up-sell item sku’s can be set up in order to drive additional revenue, or just remind the order entry clerk to select complementary items as a standard step in entering an order.

Suggested Items is easy to set up in Dynamics GP 2013.  From the main item card, suggested item sku’s are defined and prioritized. Setup of the suggested items triggers the new Suggested Sales Item Entry pop up window during sales order entry.

new in GP 2013 for distributors

This Dynamics GP 2013 feature helps product based and direct sales organizations to increase revenue by suggesting additional items for purchase. It also controls complementary items through a defined item list, and increases accuracy and efficiency in sales order entry. If you would like more information on the new Dynamics GP 2013 features, contact our professionals at erp@mcgladrey.com.

By: Kurt Meier – Kansas City Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner

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