Author Archives for Ronald Beck

IoT is here to stay: Time to rethink your business model!
Two years ago there was excitement in the air about the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on the consumer...

Optimize your bandwidth for your new cloud services by switching carriers
We are constantly challenged with trying to keep our network and computer performance acceptable for our business. I continually hear...

IT Infrastructure, Microsoft 365
Don’t get caught with your phone system down
Many people talk about the dark days of IT as cloudy days. However, the cloud has been a significant improvement...

Designing a Unified Communications Platform in 2015
As we look at the evolution of unified communications platforms over the last 20 years, we quickly realize these systems...

Next Generation Phone Lines (SIP) – Prepare to Save!
The land lines that we know today are going away. By the end of this decade, your company will most...