RSM’s Helpful Resources for Essential Technology Operations

By - April 7, 2020

First and foremost, we want to extend our care and concern amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you, your family and friends are staying safe, as we find ourselves operating in a new world.

As a full-service firm, we wanted to point out the technology issues we are seeing with our clients on a broad level—and let you know we are ready to help. This message is intended to be a helpful resource in an effort to continue essential operations through a remote workforce and IT vendor collaboration across your organization.

Please see the services RSM is offering below in response to the challenges raised by the current pandemic:

  • Helpdesk overflow support – RSM has created a dedicated staff of extra hands, ready and able to take phone calls, emails or messages from your user community. These services can be utilized in response to IT staff absences, temporary layoffs or simply ticket overflow.

If you are not an RSM managed services client,

please call 833.701.0436 for phone support.

  • Training – RSM is offering a 90-day free trial of QuickHelp, our online Microsoft learning management platform. Additionally, we are available for virtual instructor-led training for groups up to 250 on a variety of technology platforms and security awareness topics.
  • Telecom and call center enhancement – Our advisors can provide a path for rapid implementation of call center technology and cloud-based telecom solutions to support prolonged work from home scenarios.
  • Cloud migration – Our team can provide accelerated migration of applications and systems into RSM’s compliant private cloud or a managed Microsoft Azure environment. These services include rapid planning and analysis, turnkey migration and ongoing managed services.
  • Work from home enablement – We can enable quick implementation of work from home technologies including Microsoft Teams, Virtual Desktop and VPN services. RSM can also perform scalability evaluations of current technology platforms for bandwidth and redundancy.
  • Rapid security review – We can provide a quick-hit review of your security posture and readiness for prolonged work from home scenarios. Reviews include analysis of potential Microsoft Office 365 threats and can be complemented with online and instructor-led security awareness programming.
  • Microsoft Teams Crisis & Communication Application – Rapid deployment of the Microsoft template for Crisis Communication, which leverages your existing licenses of Office 365 for configuring a Power App for your organizations use to push our crisis messaging and details to your staff.

Please let us know if there is anything else RSM can do to support your business in these challenging times. Feel free to contact the following people for more information:

To learn more about how RSM can help during this time, please visit our Coronavirus Resource Center >

Contact our team to learn more!

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