RSM NetSuite Support Desk

By - March 31, 2020

As more companies are implementing work from home policies, we face a whole new set of adjustments. We are all learning new ways of conducting business and NetSuite makes remote working easily, however, it still needs upkeep. RSM is here to help. Whether you need to add new users, roles or permissions to accommodate remote working needs the NetSuite Support desk can help. The RSM Support Desk has NetSuite Certified Administrators, Certified ERP consultants, and CPAs located across the United States.

Training remotely

While most, if not all, employees are working remotely they may need some additional training to accomplish daily tasks to keep your business running. The NetSuite Help Desk can perform one-on-one or group training through teleconferencing. We can also provide electronic training documents and videos which allow users to train at their convenience.

Automating your processes

Workflows help automate processes and can be helpful. Workflows can be simple actions like checking a box on a related record, emailing supervisors for transaction approval.  There are more complex workflows that can set fields, conditionally make fields mandatory, simple to multi-tiered approvals, create tasks, and show pop up error messages to drive user behavior. Workflows can help bridge the gaps caused when there is limited staff, or better enforce compliance when workers are remote and unsupervised

The RSM team can create or enhance saved searches and reports to help track financial performance. Searches can also assist with inventory management, keep track of logins by users, alerts when a specific event occurs in the system, or follow the status of transactions. Searches can also be leveraged to send key information out of NetSuite to non-NetSuite users. A remote worker that never had access to Netsuite, but had access to data on-site can now be sent the information they would require without consuming a license. Reports can also be sent out the same way to help keep users informed.

NetSuite’s latest release is just around the corner for many of you. We can perform new release testing of basic functions as well as testing of scripts and integrations to ensure there is no additional interruption to your business.

The RSM NetSuite Support desk is available Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm eastern standard time. If you would like more information on our NetSuite Managed Application Services please contact or Daniel Beil at

Contact our team to learn more!

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