NetSuite – Enhancements to SuiteAnalytics

By - December 4, 2023

NetSuite has new 2023.2 Release Notes that provides enhancements to SuiteAnalytics capabilities. With these new enhancements, users can expect to see expanded functionality and updates around saved searches.

Saved Search Criteria

The evaluation of criteria within a saved search has been upgraded. Users can now use expressions that have nested parentheses with custom fields and multiple OR operators in multiple nesting levels. Prior to this enhancement, expressions with nested parentheses with custom fields and several OR operators could return incorrect results.

Example code:

Formula (HTML) Field

Searches now with Formula (Text) fields that contain HTML code now will display as plain text in the results to improve security of saved searches. The new Formula (HTML) field will need to be used to evaluate HTML code within a saved search. This field is only usable in the results fields.

This field is available based on the permission Create HTML Formulas in Search. This permission is automatically added to all roles with Create level access for SuiteScript and Full level access for Perform Search permissions. In order to prevent any issues with current saved searches in your environment, update existing Formula (Text) fields with the new Formula (HTML) field. To see all searches in your account that are using the Formula (Text) field, navigate to:

Lists > Search > Saved Searches with HTML in Formula (Text)

All accounts will receive a notification prior to this change being released.

These updates will allow for more accurate results with expanded functionality and increased security.


To learn more about NetSuite’s 2023.2 SuiteAnalytics enhancements and how you can start leveraging the new capabilities, contact our team!

Contact our team to learn more!

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