Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 to 2013 Upgrade — Custom Ribbon Button Issue

By - December 6, 2013

Our client recently went through an upgrade from Microsoft Dyanmics CRM 2011 Online to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Online and I noticed some issues regarding custom ribbon buttons.  Since the ribbon is now retired on most forms in Dynamics CRM, the Command Bar has taken its place to try and simplify the interface and user experience.

While the upgrade went fairly smoothly we noticed that there were many of the custom ribbon buttons that were not being displayed on the form.

Since the Command Bar will only display five buttons before it pushes everything into the over flow area, we expected to see our custom buttons after the Relationship button but they were not there.


So the question is how do we fix this……

There is a new Display Rule available for the Command Bar controls called the “CommandClientTypeRule” , this rule controls the visibility of certain buttons.

Here are the three parameters it accepts:

Modern The control is visible in the Tablet client
Refresh The control is visible in the Command Bar
Legacy The control is visible on ribbons of non-refresh entities or in list views presented in Microsoft Outlook.

If you are using a tool like Ribbon Workbench to add this rule in you need to:

1. Expand the Display Rules within your solution


2. Right Click the Appropriate Display Rule and Click Edit Rules


3. Click Add to add a New Rule


4. Now you can select Command Client Type Rule


5.  Select what option you need for the rule (Modern, Refresh, Legacy) then publish your changes back to CRM


Now you should be able to see your custom button if it was hidden during the upgrade process, alternatively this can also be used for system buttons that Microsoft intentionally hid to try and clean up the new UI.


If you are looking for Microsoft Dynamics CRM support, RSM can help.  We are a national partner with its Gold Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Competency in the Microsoft Partner Network.  We have been working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM since its version 1.0 release and have a ranges of services for all version.  If you have any questions or problems, please contact our professionals at

Read more articles on the new release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.

By: John Annunziato – Pennsylvania Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner


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