Scribe Fails to Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

By - March 25, 2014

We had this happen to one of our clients as a result of the Microsoft moving them from the LiveId to the O365 platform, you may see it as a billing change or just an authentication/logon change but symptomatically, what you may be seeing is that Scribe jobs either start failing or are not running. When you try to open a dts file, it just hangs forever but never connects or it may attempt to connect and give you the failed screen with an option to fix it.

If you open the dts and it just hangs and never connects, you will need to use the dtsedit.exe program to open each and every dts file and edit the connection information. If you need to use dtsedit to get the connection changed, open the executable dtsedit.exe which will be found in your <root>Scribe folder. Once dtsedit is open, you can open a dts file. Once it has loaded, click on the “Data Providers” tab and in there you will find the settings for your Dynamics CRM adapter. The columns are called “Connection Property” and “Connection Value”. Connection Value is what you’ll need to update.

If you can open the dts and get the connection information while in the workbench, then you can simply change the url information there.

In either scenario you will need the following Dynamics CRM 2013 Connection Information:

Deployment = Online Server URL:
Organization: yourorgname
Password: userpassword

I would also suggest upgrading to the Scribe CRM Adapter v. 5.5 as it has native support for 2013. Do not upgrade if you are running Dynamics CRM 2013 On-Premise however.

If you need support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, RSM offers a full range of services from implementation and optimization to development and support. Contact our professionals for more information on our services at 855.437.7202 or

Read more articles on the new release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.

By: Josh Thompson – Minnesota Microsoft Dynamics CRM partner

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