Microsoft Dynamics Fundraising and Engagement is released!

By - October 1, 2020

Microsoft recently included Fundraising and Engagement as part of its Dynamics 365 offering for the Not For Profit community. This solution will work with the existing Customer Engagement functionality already built in Dynamics, while adding the ability to fundraise, collect donations (including recurring), and manage your donors. The solution is offered free of charge, but will require Dynamics and Azure licenses to function.

The important part of this announcement is that much of the functionality is not new, rather, Microsoft has purchased this code base and has enhanced it for release. What this means is that even though this solution was recently announced, there is already a mature install base.

RSM is proud to be a launch partner for this product. In the current environment with heightened sensitivity around data security, we can rest assured that this offering is going to be secured with the full backing of Microsoft. Even prior to this offering, Microsoft was laser focused on security. Here are the many certifications that Microsoft has with its online offerings which include Dynamics and the Fundraising and Engagement offering:

Over the next few weeks, RSM will be digging into the features and providing short demos on Fundraising and Engagement. We will also be looking to see how this fits with our MemberCast Association Management System (AMS) and our GrantsCast Grants Management System, which are both built on the Dynamics platform as well.

We are looking to truly focus on one platform for Not For Profits through the Microsoft Dynamics offering. Come back soon to see more on this offering.

Principal of RSM's Dynamics 365 CE focused on our east coast clients and non profits.

Contact our team to learn more!

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