Author Archives for Lynda Reich

How Sage Intacct Forms and Operational Flows Fix Data Collection
Sage Intacct does remarkable things with data, organizing, analyzing, and distributing it to keep everyone focused on financial excellence. First,...

Best Closing Practices for Nonprofits: How to Use Intacct’s New Checklist Feature
Have you experienced the power of Sage Intacct’s Checklist and Assignment feature for your month-end or quarterly internal financials? As...

New! Directly Integrate SAP Concur with Sage Intacct
One of Sage Intacct’s strengths is how well it works with the other systems your company uses. Direct integration with...

How Sage Intacct Dimensions Can Support Faith-Based Organizations
Whether your faith-based organization is managing day-to-day operations or preparing for growth, its specialized accounting needs can be a lot...