Author Archives for Meg Moss

Bet on a sure thing at Sage Intacct Advantage 2019 in Las Vegas
When you attend Sage Intacct Advantage 2019 in Las Vegas, you’ll be dealt a winning hand. No matter how long...

NetSuite webcast (9/11): Delivering Omni-channel retail experience with SuiteCommerce Advanced
Start the journey into the digital transformation of your online business with NetSuite and the SuiteCommerce Advanced platform. SuiteCommerce Advanced...

NetSuite webcast (6/6): Leveraging NetSuite for ASC 606 adoption
The effective date of Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 606 is coming soon, bringing a new revenue recognition standard to both...

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, Microsoft
Digital transformation enables customer engagement
Customer engagement is evolving. Everyone is mobile, everyone is social, people trust opinions from their friends and peers more than...

Digital Transformation Brings Modern, Next-Generation, Enterprise-Ready Intelligence
The concept of digital transformation is changing businesses across the country. Technology is transforming our personal lives with apps and...

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, Microsoft
Microsoft Dynamics CRM spring release “Carina” highlights — mmm…CRM.
Microsoft Convergence 2015 just wrapped up in Atlanta. There were many exciting announcements…almost too many to absorb. The pace of...

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, Microsoft
What are the hidden costs of excluding user adoption in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation plan?
Over my career I have spoken with a number of CIOs and technical decision makers who make CRM software and...

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, Microsoft
How to enable logging in the Connector For Microsoft Dynamics CRM
When running integrations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 using the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics, you may see error messages in...

Getting ready for budgeting season with the latest budgeting tools
It’s getting close to budgeting time and you may be thinking there has to be another way other than Excel...

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
White Paper: Extending CRM: Utilizing xRM to expand your relationships
The term xRM, where “x” is an algebraic variable that represents any business relationship you want to manage, is used...