Author Archives for Etana Flegenheimer
About Etana Flegenheimer
Etana has worked in the digital marketing field for over 10 years, with expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), content strategy, email marketing and digital strategy. Applying her degree in Fiction Writing (B.A.) from Columbia College Chicago to digital marketing allows her to drive creative solutions to logical problems, creating innovative digital marketing programs.
Etana has worked with marketing agencies and in-house to implement digital marketing and SEO strategies. In her current role at RSM, she helps clients achieve success in organic results by combining data-centric user experience insights, competitive analysis, and content strategy.

Ramping Up Website Revenue with Digital Marketing
No one has to tell you that 2020 has brought significant changes to our world – both personally and professionally,...

The Rise of D2C E-Commerce
What It Means for Manufacturers and Distributors The growing trend of consumers wanting to shop directly from brands has been...

E-Commerce, NetSuite Cloud ERP
Buy Now, Pay Later with NetSuite
Creating conversions and driving revenue is the ultimate goal of your eCommerce store. Getting customers through the browsing process, into...

How to Quickly Bring Your Store Online
There have always been many reasons to consider taking your business online – whether that is reaching a broader customer...

Google Is Issuing Ad Credits for Small-to-Medium Sized Business
As all businesses grapple with the new reality of remote business operations, there are new opportunities for small and mid-size...

Understanding the New B2B Customer
The traditional B2B (business-to-business) buyer and their journey may not be what you would have expected only a few years...