Author Archives for Jason Greto

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
On-Hand Inquiry Transactional Review in Microsoft Dynamics AX (365)
During each project, it is inevitable you eventually find yourself looking at the on-hand inquiry form within the inventory management...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
How to Change a Vendor Type in Microsoft Dynamics AX (365)
During a go live it is possible when migrating vendor master data from a legacy system to Dynamics 365 that...

Troubleshoot Master Planning in Microsoft Dynamics 365
It happened to me and it could happen to you. Starting a new Microsoft Dynamics 365 (formerly Dynamics AX) implementation...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
Product Reservations for each Sales Order in Microsoft Dynamics-AX
Many businesses today are running lean, especially with regard to stocking inventory. At times, businesses can find themselves with low...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
Displaying external item numbers on purchase orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX
The ability to increase communication between customers and vendors is always essential. Microsoft Dynamics AX allows its users to better...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
Creating notes for shipping documents in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Using the Notes functionality within Dynamic AX can be very helpful. Notes can be used to alert warehouse personnel to...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
Integrating Microsoft Lync to Microsoft Dynamics AX
Over the last few years Microsoft has made significant improvements with its software. One aspect, which has seen tremendous improvement,...

Dynamics 365 For Finance and Supply Chain, Microsoft
Syncing tasks and calendar reminders from Microsoft Dynamics AX to Microsoft Outlook
While working with a client to propose Microsoft Dynamics AX as a solution to replace a legacy CRM and ERP...