Author Archives for Laura Miller
Industry, NetSuite Cloud ERP, Not for Profit
Is it time to migrate from your legacy ERP?
Is it time to Migrate from your Legacy ERP? Signs to Migrate from an Old System include: Unsupported Technology The...
Custom Center Tab and Executive Dashboard
Purpose: Create a custom Center Tab with customized links and a Center Tab Dashboard, using Saved Searches and SuiteAnalytics Workbook...
Saved Search on System Notes Fields
Purpose: Saved Search to show the latest edit to a record using System Notes fields Use Case: Vendor Edits to...
Add Custom Action to “Save &” Drop-Down on a Record
Purpose: Add a custom workflow button to the Save &… menu on a transaction. The steps below will aid in...
Approval Workflow – Rejection Reason
Purpose: Create a custom record to record rejection reasons as part of an approval workflow. Create a sublist on the...
Standard Costing Setup in NetSuite
Standard costing helps identify cost-saving opportunities in manufacturing and procurement by allowing users to track cost variances by category. Required...
Create Record Workflow Action in NetSuite
Create Record Workflow Action Purpose: Automatically create a project record upon saving a Quote/Sales Order and link records together. Add...
NetSuite Landed Cost – Mill Taxes
Purpose To record Mill tax as a part of the inventory cost, rather than an expense. Facilitate matching monthly cost...